17 December 2008
16 December 2008
12 December 2008
Bravery in the Pyrenees
11 December 2008
Australian Minister Promoted
10 December 2008
Something Funny
The "book" in question is called Taking Off the Blindfold, by G.C. Hatonn. Essentially, it espouses the theory that the entire world is controlled by a Jewish/Satanist group of which HM Queen Elizabeth II is a part. The following paragraph comes from the section of chapter 1 entitled "Knights of the Order of the Garter:"
The Knights of the Order of the Garter are the leaders of the Committee of 300, Queen Elizabeth II’s most trusted “privy council”. When I did my research on the Order of St. John of Jerusalem some years ago, I went to Oxford to talk with one of the Masters who is a specialist on ancient and modern British traditions. He told me that the Knights of the Garter are the inner sanctum, the elite of the elite of Her Majesty’s Most Venerable Order of St. John of Jerusalem. Let me say this is not the original order founded by the true Christian warrior, Peter Gerard, but is typical of many fine institutions that are taken over and destroyed from the inside, while yet appearing to the uninitiated to be the original.
The next section is entitled "Order of Jerusalem (and a Little Satanism!)" and goes more specifically into the VOSJ. Here, the author states:
I learned from the papers in the museum named after Victoria that she changed the name of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem in 1885 in order to break away from the Catholic connection of the Order’s founder, Peter Gerard, and renamed it the “Protestant Most Venerable Order of Jerusalem.” Membership was open to every oligarchical family that had made its fortune in the China opium trade and every thoroughly decadent family received a place in the ‘new order.’
The next section brings the discussion to Canada discusses "the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, who control Canadian commerce in all of its facets." Now we had a long discussion about this book amongst ourselves. Some of us wanted to make mention of this odd publication and some of us wanted to leave well enough alone. In the end, we decided that the negative consequence of free press for these conspiracy theorists was less than the positive consequence of sharing what a few nuts in Las Vegas think. If we know what misinformation is out there, we can more easily defend ourselves against it...and it was good for a laugh.
07 December 2008
Lord Prior Interview
05 December 2008
Changing Focus
03 December 2008
01 December 2008
Another Vice-Prior

29 November 2008
Question Answered

A big thank you to all those that e-mailed us with correct and incorrect guesses.
27 November 2008
American Press Coverage
25 November 2008
The Wonders of Wikipedia

24 November 2008
We Need Your Help

22 November 2008
Follow-Up on SJA Logo

21 November 2008
Lord Prior Installed

20 November 2008
Youth in the Membership

18 November 2008
American Prior

16 November 2008
Order of Supreme Loyalty
14 November 2008
Service Medal
The service medal was first mentioned in 1895, but the first recipients were not chosen until 1898. It wasn't until 1899 that the award was actually made. This is, as the name implies, the service medal of the VOSJ. Throughout its history it has been awarded for conspicuous service of different kinds to the Order and not merely for length of service. Its usual use, however, is to reward extended service in St. John Ambulance or in the Order of St John.
The following description of the medal itself comes from the VOSJ's information sheet on the matter. The image below comes from our own personal collection.
With one small exception, the design of the Service Medal has remained constant throughout its history. The obverse features the head of Queen Victoria, modelled from a bust carved by H.R.H. The Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll, together with the legend VICTORIA + D + G + BRITT + REG + F + D + IND + IMP. Originally this legend and that on the reverse were in ornamental gothic script but, since 1960, the current die uses upright seriffed capitals as printed. The reverse of the medal, between sprigs of St. John’s wort, contains five circles showing the Imperial Crown, the Royal Arms, the arms of the Prince of Wales as first Grand Prior under the Charter of 1888, the crest of the Prince of Wales and the pre 1926 Arms of the Order. Around the edge appears the legend MAGNUS · PRIORATUS · ORDINIS · HOSPITALIS · SANCTI · JOHANNIS · JERUSALEM · IN · ANGLIA. From its inception until 1942, when issue ceased for the duration of the war, the medal was manufactured in silver. Upon resumption in 1947 until 1960 alternatives involving base metal and silvering were employed. Between 1960 and 1966 the medals were silvered cupro-nickel and since 1966 they have been cupro-nickel, rhodium plated.
Interestingly, this is the only current-issue medal that still bears the bust of Queen Victoria.
13 November 2008
Malta Visit
12 November 2008
Tragic Loss

11 November 2008
Remembrance Day
Straight of limb, true of eyes, steady and aglow.
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted,
They fell with their faces to the foe.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.

Lest We Forget
10 November 2008
American Investiture Service
One of the highlights of the ceremony was the installation of a new Prior for the Americans. Nick Drexel had served as Prior since the foundation of the Priory. This weekend, A. Marshall Acuff, Jr. was formally installed. In addition to this installation, the service was an opportunity for rededication and recongition of new appointments to and promotions within the Order.
If we are able to locate some pictures from the weekend, we will be sure to post them here. Those of you that are planning ahead, can attend the Priory's next investiture 6-8 November in the historic center of VOSJ activity in America--New York City.