25 July 2009


Firstly, we would like to apologize for our extended absence from the wonderful world of blogging. Our original plan had been to return to the pursuit after a short holiday over Christmas. Unfortunately, two of us fell ill shortly after the New Year and were unable to contribute to the musings on the blog. Familial and other constraints limited the time that the third of us could devote and the VOSJ Source fell by the wayside in all of our lives. We have now agreed that we would like to continue and hope to keep updating the blog much more regularly in future. If anyone has interesting or important news of the Venerable Order of St John that passes our notice, please do contact us.

Pro Utilitate Hominum


Me said...

It is great to have the VOSJ Blog back. Thanks for keeping me updated.

Harold Johnston said...

You were, indeed, missed. Welcome back.

ghp said...

Welcome back ~ your absence was duly noted and commented upon by other confreres.